Xanax is one medication that is quite popular among people, as it has become synonymous with depression and anxiety. Anxiety disorder is prevalent among the common public now due to the fast-paced world we live in that doesn’t allow any breathing space. The drug belongs to the class of medications called the benzodiazepines, and it works by enhancing the brain neurotransmitters for relaxation. It is also used in cases of panic disorders, helplessness and other such situations, where it calms down the brain for serenity to prevail.

Types of Anxiety Disorder

Some of the most common types of Anxiety seen in adults are :

  • Generalized Anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobias
  • Separation anxiety
  • Social anxiety.

There are several other anxiety disorder scenarios as well, but the above-mentioned ones are widely prevalent.

Xanax working and benefits

The medication is known to slow down the brain and CNS. It is even interesting to analyze how Xanax Alprazolam is capable of achieving it. Once it enters the bloodstream, its effects peak within an hour. During this time, the GABA receptors in the brain are influenced and the activity of the same is enhanced for a calming effect. This is why most people experience the much-needed relief with this medication.

  • Proven to improve anxiety symptoms in people suffering either from just anxiety or anxiety with depression.
  • The occurrence of panic attacks were reduced after the administration.
  • Known to work quickly, it remains the first-step treatment towards anxiety for solace.

How to identify if you are addicted or dependent on Xanax?

Dependence and addiction are two different concepts, where the tolerance is affected in the former and the user takes larger quantities of the medication with each passing day for the same effect. While, addiction is that users can’t get rid of Xanax, even while understanding its harmful effects.

Tolerance with Xanax occurs quicker than expected and once it kicks in, the user tends to show addictive behavior. Some signs of addiction include :

  • Loss of interest in various activities
  • Inability to stop the use of Xanax
  • Losing track over the doses consumed
  • Increase of risk-taking behavioral traits

Xanax Interactions and Adverse effects

Xanax might not work well with opioids and cause dangerous side effects. You will have to talk to your doctor to know which drugs aren’t compatible with all variants of Alprazolam and that can cause allergic reactions. Some anticonvulsants and antidepressants are known to induce life-threatening side effects and hence, must be used carefully.

Certain common side effects have been listed below.

  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue/Tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Memory issues
  • Loss of balance/ coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Irritation
  • Loss of focus and concentration
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

There are several other side effects too, which might pop up if the dosage is not followed well based on the prescription.

Warnings and What to know before taking Xanax

  • Do not take alcohol with this medication as it is a deadly combination
  • The pill is not recommended for use in Pregnant women.
  • Women who are breastfeeding must inform their doctor at any cost
  • This anti-anxiety medication can cause sleepiness and hence, must not be used while handling hazardous activities
  • The dosage works better when it is under permissible levels, above which, you will have to consult a doctor.
  • Stopping Xanax abruptly is not the right thing to do as it has every chance to develop withdrawal symptoms.
  • Certain contraindications with the drug exist and prior information on the same has to be informed to the doctor
  • Users with liver, kidney and heart ailments must pursue a medical practitioner’s approval before using this medication for anxiety.
  • People above the age of 65 and children are advised to stay away from using it.